FAME Officers Meet with “Pambansang Business Coach” Don Soriano

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The Founders Association of MSMEs and Entrepreneurs (FAME) officers recently had a significant meeting with the “Pambansang Business Coach,” Don Soriano, in Makati City. The FAME delegation was led by President Ms. Ghie M. Guevarra and included General Manager Eulosis Cargar, Ms. Anna De Leon, Ms. Shalini Cruz, and Ms. Aya Guevarra.

The meeting focused on optimizing business meetings and corporate engagements, providing FAME founders with valuable insights into effective business principles and practices from Coach Don Soriano. Additionally, Mr. Soriano shared his vision of fostering a mission-driven and God-fearing business community aimed at achieving a first-world Philippines within our lifetime, aligning perfectly with FAME’s goals.

This collaboration marks a step forward in FAME’s commitment to empowering MSMEs and entrepreneurs through continuous learning and strategic guidance.

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