FAME Founders Convene to Plan MSME Support Initiatives

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To strengthen the foundation of FAME, its founders had a meeting on February 5, 2024.

The Founders Association of MSMEs and Entrepreneurs (FAME) recently held a pivotal meet-up at Chairman Joliber Mapiles’ residence in San Fernando, Pampanga. The gathering focused on outlining comprehensive plans and programs to support micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and aspiring entrepreneurs across Pampanga Province, Metro Manila, and other regions of the country.

Aimed at alleviating poverty or “sugpuin ang kahirapan,” these initiatives include free “Negosyong Walang Puhunan” workshops, digital marketing training, and financial literacy seminars. These programs are designed to equip Filipinos with the right mindset and skills to become successful entrepreneurs.

FAME is built on the principle of “do not give them a fish, teach them how to fish to feed them a lifetime,” reflecting our commitment to fostering sustainable economic growth and self-reliance among Filipino entrepreneurs.